Posts tagged ‘blog posting tips’

Coming Up With Fun Blog Ideas

Fun blog ideas are everywhere. With a dose of creative juices, you’d be surprised at how fast you can create a list of terrific things to write about. Here, let’s discuss some practical ways on how to come up with some of these ideas.

First off, don’t depend too much on that smart head of yours. Yes, you are smart, but you can’t have everything. For one, you can’t have all the great ideas. Instead of banging your head on the desk, hoping for some marvelous concepts to just fall out, why not look around for inspiration? The world is a huge a place. There’s a reason why you’re in it. Explore!

Here are some ways to do it:

Read—Reading is a key to blogging for fun. When you stop reading, you stop learning as well. Obviously, you would neither have anything interesting to write about. Then, you would no longer have followers. It’s a domino effect, you see? Hence, if you want to prevent this misfortune from happening, you’d better develop the habit of reading. It will update you on the goings-on in the world as well as motivate you to write fresh posts that will make your audience stick around.

Join a blogging community— Fun blog ideas can also come up when you join a blogging community. Other bloggers can be your source of hot topics to write about. Of course, you’re not supposed to copy everything that they are working on. What you must do is listen to what they’re blogging about and from there, harness some cool subjects you can cover. There will definitely be a number of them! Pick the ones you think are most interesting and useful for the readership.


Additional Blog Posting Tips For Quality Content

Looking for additional blog posting tips? Here are some helpful suggestions to consider:

Linking is also one of the blogging tips you must remember. This can be done in two ways. First, you can link within your website. This can be done by linking to your older posts to help visitors find further information on a certain topic, as well as help search engine crawlers (spiders) explore your site further. The second way to link is by getting connected with external sites. Don’t worry, this won’t be harmful to your ranking. As long as you link to reputable sites, you can enrich your content more.

Speaking of links, the fourth tip that every blogger must follow is to make sure that all links are working. Too often a time, bloggers just copy and paste URL’s without double checking them. Thing is, even just a missing letter can already make a link useless. It can either bring a visitor to the wrong site or a dead end. Either way, it can cause frustration because the supposed end can no longer be achieved.

The next pointer for a more informative and compelling blog posts is to include images. Photos, graphics, and other visual materials can not only make your post easier to understand but pleasing to the eyes too. What’s more, they also strengthen search engine optimization. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, why not use one in your post, right?


Finally, proofread. No good and responsible writer fails to proofread. This is one of the most basic blog posting tips that you mustn’t forget. Before hitting “Publish,” read your post two, three, four, or as many times necessary until you have polished your entry completely. This way, you can be confident that your post is as best as it can be.

Blog Posting Tips For An Informative And Compelling Content

Bloggers vary in style and tone. Their success would depend on the effectiveness of their writing; although being able to produce informative and compelling content is basically the core goal. In the following, we will talk about some blog posting tips that will help you reach this target.


First, you should research for related keywords on your niche. Whether you like it or not, keywords play a huge role in the success of a blog because they can make your site more visible to the World Wide Web. Naturally, the more visible your site is, the higher your traffic becomes. Consequently, the advantages of a good traffic follow such as prominence, improved reputation, and higher sales in case you’re supporting a certain product.

Apart from these though, keywords also play an important role in making your blog posts easier to understand. People are always looking for something specific. When you have the right keywords, the online public can find you more easily. Faster recall is facilitated too.

Second on this list of blog posting tips is crafting a title carefully. As a blogger, you should be able to summarize the thought of your entry to a few words on the title and it must be catchy. Unless you have a title that sounds sensible and enticing, readers will not give you any attention. A well-written entry would just go to waste if it has a bad title.